Monday, March 24, 2014

Energy Therapy: It's All in the Touch

Energy Therapy is a healing modality that falls under the domain of complementary or alternative medicine as designated by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM).  The premise of energy healing is that a healer can transfer healing energy into a person by a hands-on or hands-off method.  This transfer of energy can happen during a face-to-face visit as well as via distance.
There are different types of energy therapy such as magnet therapy, light therapy and qigong, but for the purposes of this article we will focus on Reiki, an energy therapy falls under the categories of Touch Therapy, Therapeutic Touch (TT) and Non-Contact Therapeutic Touch (NCTT) which has been shown to promote healing, relieve pain and anxiety.
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Reiki was developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. “Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive”( There are many branches of Reiki but the more commonly used forms are known as Traditional Japanese Reiki and Westernized Reiki. Traditional Japanese Reiki is the original form of reiki as taught and used by Usui.  Western reiki is accredited to Hawayo Takata, a Japanese-American who grew up in Hawaii. In the mid-1930’s, she traveled to Japan due to a medical crisis, which is when she learned of Reiki and brought it back to America.
Historically, reiki was used as a form of self-care however, it is being provided more and more by health care professionals in a number of different clinical settings. In a Reiki session, the client lies or sits comfortably, fully clothed. The practitioner’s hands are placed lightly on or just above the client’s body, palms down, using a series of varied hand positions which are held for a minutes, or until the flow of energy is felt. This feeling has been described as sensations of tingling and/or heat in the hands. Receivers of reiki have described feelings of tingling, warm and/or cool sensations, and sleepiness, as well as being in a state of total relaxation. The number of sessions received depends on the health needs of the client. Some of the benefits of Reiki include, stress relief, reducing high blood pressure, pain relief, raising the vibrational frequency of the body, removing energy blockages and more. If used in conjunction with other natural therapies such as meditation, homeopathy, etc. the affects of those therapies are then strengthened.
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Reiki practitioners’ training and expertise varies but no special background is needed to receive training. However, Reiki must be learned from an experienced teacher known as a Reiki Master; it cannot be self-taught. Specific techniques taught can vary greatly but traditional Reiki has three degrees or levels, each focusing on a different aspect of practice. Each degree includes one or more attunements or empowerments which are believed to activate the ability to access Reiki energy. Training for first- and second-degree practice is typically given in 8 to 12 class hours over about 2 days. Some students seek master-level (third-degree) training but becoming a Master can take years.
Reiki healing is a natural and gentle form of therapy that promotes health for the whole being, mind, body and spirit. More detailed information can be obtained by visiting a Reiki practitioner and by browsing

9 Good Reasons to Drink More Water

It is difficult for some to drink enough water during the day but here are nine good reasons to drink water that just might change your mind, body and spirit.

You're made of it
60% of your body is made up of water.  It is the principle chemical compound found in your body. However, your body loses water almost constantly.  Each time you pee, sweat, and even breathe, a little bit of your body’s principle chemical compound is lost. 

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You need it to live  
It's that simple and that important. Every single system in the body needs water to function properly. Every single one; and without it we can only live for a few days, a week at most. We can live longer without food. 

It Detoxes
Water naturally flushes toxins out of your body. If we don't drink water waste and toxins collect in our bodies causing loads of problems. Research shows that staying hydrated reduces risk of cancer by as much as 50%. 

Water usually works better than coffee
Feeling groggy?  It could be due to dehydration. Water keeps your intellect sharp, and it keeps your brain awake and alert throughout the day. Research shows that dehydration affects your mood, making you grumpy and confused. The next time you’re dozing off at work or feeling cranky try drinking a glass of water.

Pain Relief
Your muscles are made up of about 75% water.  Staying hydrated helps them recover more quickly and helps avoid stiffness and soreness, especially after exercise. Your muscles also function better when you are properly hydrated.  One of the first symptoms of dehydration is muscle cramping. A bonus: water can also help prevent and relieve headaches.

Water makes you smarter
The brain is 90% water.  Think about it, the command center of your central nervous system is made up almost entirely of water.  Staying hydrated helps you stay more alert and attentive throughout the day. In fact, a study from the University of East London found that students who drink water through their exams generally have better grades.

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Water makes you pretty
Your skin contains a lot of water and it acts as a protective barrier to keep your body from losing too much fluid.  Drinking water helps to replenish skin tissue, moisten skin and increase skin elasticity, keeping your complexion looking fresh and youthful. Dehydration can cause dry, cracked skin and a dull complexion.

Water helps you consume less 
We often mistake thirst for hunger; it feels like hunger because the stomach is empty.  The next time you feel hungry drink a glass of water, wait 10 minutes, then see if you’re still hungry. Water also fills your stomach like food does.  Drinking a glass of water before eating and during meals helps you will feel ‘full’ sooner and eat fewer calories.  Not only will you eat less when you drink water throughout a meal, but substituting water for other drinks at mealtime, such as soda, alcohol or other sugar-sweetened beverages, cuts a large amount of calories from your diet. Consider this:
  • Glass of wine = 127 calories
  • Pint of beer = 153 calories
  • Orange juice = 142 calories
  • Glass of water: 0 calories

Water makes you happy
We know that the body simply functions better when it is well-hydrated.  Your brain is more alert, your skin is more radiant, your muscles are less sore, your waistline is a little trimmer, and you feel generally healthier. What’s not to be happy about? Drink up.
